The Revenue Engine

Designing Sales Solutions with the Salesperson in Mind with Eyal Orgil, CRO and Co-Founder of

July 30, 2021

The Revenue Engine

Each week, Revenue Operations expert Rosalyn Santa Elena shines the spotlight on founders, CEOs, and Revenue Leaders from hyper-growth companies and dives deep into the strategies they implement to drive growth and share their learnings. Rosalyn brings you inspirational stories from revenue generators, innovators and disruptors, as well as Revenue Leaders in sales, marketing, and operations.

In this episode of the Revenue Engine podcast, Rosalyn and Eyal discuss how the idea for came about, what has helped them be successful in accelerating revenue growth, and how to put customers first. Eyal also shares how designing a solution for salespeople with the salesperson in mind, helps to not only drive usage and adoption, but helps realize the full value of the solution.

Take a listen and you’ll also learn what Eyal is seeing in terms of trends with Rosalyn’s favorite topic, Revenue Operations.

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Thanks to Sales IQ Global for Powering the Revenue Engine Podcast

Eyal Orgil
CRO at

Rosalyn SantaElena: Welcome to the revenue engine podcast. I'm your host, Rosalyn Santa Elena. And I am thrilled to bring you the most inspirational stories from revenue, generators, innovators, and disruptors revenue leaders in sales, in marketing. And of course in operations. Together, we will unpack everything that optimizes and powers the revenue engine.

Are you ready? Let's get to it.

Rosalyn SantaElena:  With an engineering background and extensive experience in sales and marketing. Eyal Orgil is in a unique situation of understanding both the technical and the business aspect of sales technology. Eyal Orgil is the co-founder and CRO, the revenue amplification platform, providing a complete and connected revenue workflow from CPQ to CLM, to proposals, subscriptions all the way through documents, signatures.

In this episode of the Revenue Engine Podcast, Eyal shares how the idea for came about what has helped them be successful in accelerating revenue growth and how to put customers first. He also shares how designing a solution for salespeople with the salesperson in mind helps to not only drive usage and adoption, but helps realize the full value of the solution.

Please take a listen. And you'll also hear what Eyal is seeing in terms of trends with my favorite topic, revenue operations. So super excited to be here with Eyal Orgil, the co-founder and CRO of For those of you who may not be familiar with DealHub, DealHub is the revenue amplification platform providing a complete and connected revenue workflow from CPQ to CLM, to proposals, subscriptions, and through document signature.

So welcome Eyal. And thank you so much for joining me.

Eyal Orgil: Thank you for having me.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Super excited to, to talk to you. Um, let's talk a little bit first about your career. So you've been in a number of different revenue roles, um, in a number of different companies before DealHub.So can you share a little bit about your background and maybe your career journey prior to DealHub?

Eyal Orgil: Yeah. Well, I started off, uh, straight out of university, uh, after studying engineering and realizing that it wasn't for me. So I said, let's go try this thing called sales had no, no idea what that meant. That looked like it was good HP at the time, it was a pretty well, it was a good brand and all that. And they accepted me and I started working in sales for a few years and then just decided I wanted a bit of a change.

Wasn't quite sure what I wanted travel a little bit and all that. So made a little bit of a change. Um, and then whereI'm based today in Israel, I made my way over here. I was living in Canada at the time. The weather was good, started looking for different ways to what todo. So went into some pre-sales and some sales and some business development.

And this was the tech boom, back in the early nineties, midnight or mid nineties, probably I should say. So it was just a really exciting time. Also changing company. It was kind of interesting learning, all kinds of new things. Um, and like I said, doing different things from sales to marketing, to pre-sales, to business development, really getting a rounded view of both the customers and what happens in the organizations.

And that probably set the stage at some point later in life thinking, maybe start a company that wasn't, my idea would probably talk about that to actually start the company, but it just got interested in knowing different areas about the company and companies in general, how they. And, uh, just sort of molded me into wanting to really be part of all kinds of different things in an organization.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Interesting to have sort of the engineeringI've actually talked to a few folks, who've had the engineering background and kind of moved into sales. It gives you a really good blend of experience, right. That technical expertise, but also having that sort of customer facing aspect of it in the sort of the background and the experience for sales is a totally different.

Eyal Orgil: Totally different animal. It definitely gives you the background.It's uh, what's interesting is you can understand what the engineers are saying. They usually cringe when I'm on calls with the engineers and I'll interpret what they're saying into something that's not quite right, which sounds good, at least on the cell phone, but.

Some rules to it. So sometimes it makes ita little interesting. Like I said, sometimes they hate me in the R&D side, but it definitely gives it the ability to understand the customers and some ofwhat the internal people are saying. Yeah.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Love it. Love it. So businesses are often founded on solving a problem, right?

I think when you and your co-founders launched in 2014, I believe. What was the vision for the company?And was there like that the aha moment that led to the company.

Eyal Orgil: Um, basically I was approached by one of, uh, one of my partners who said, I've got an idea, let's go have a cup of coffee.

And it took a couple times to go out for coffee where he said, I've got this really great idea. Let's go create proposals. And I'm like, what are you talking about 20 years ago? I was creating proposals. Like, what is what's so new about when you started talking to me? And it wasn't, it was, I guess it was his aha moment where, you know, from his background, but it was at a certain point, it was a hot, it was like, wow, all the things that I've always wanted to do this really sort of puts it together.

You know, so it took me a while to understand the idea and we started to expand on there's a lot of coffee in the early days. It wasn't much more to do, make presentations, drink a lot of coffee and talk about what you want it to do, but it was, um, thank y'all came at while we were going through expanding on the idea, Dan and I starting to talk about our experiences.

Um, From product side or from sales side and marketing and what people were looking for. And the aha started, came into where we want it to go, but also being very practical into what we want to start with. Where should we start? Where should we go from there? So it was a, it was a really interesting, um, experience, uh, going through those early days.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Amazing So how has sort of, I mean, you mentioned it started with proposals, but how has that sort of changed? Right.How has the vision for the company evolved and changed over time?

Eyal Orgil: Well, basically we're today, as you mentioned in the intro today, where we're the solution actually encompasses a lot of different capabilities fromCPQ proposal generation to contract management, to dealing with subscriptions and closing things off in e-signature.

Everything is tied together. Uh, we basically are looked, you know, once we start getting the company going and the solution going, you started looking at a lot of these things are intertwined and you're doing them at the same time. If I'm building out a proposal, well, you're building out a contract as part of that, whether you as the salesperson are doing that or that you're bringing in the legal team to do that.

And sometimes why are you bringing in the legal team to do that? When the salesperson could do it? It's the same thing over and over again. So we started, you know, from talking to customers when we were selling a solution, you know, what areas do you have? What pains do you have? We started listening to them, everybody that was doing quotes was also looking at a, at a contract solution that might've been a different team, but they're looking at this.

And we started saying, you know, why can't all these things be done? And I think one of the really interesting things we did when we put together our initial solution, just looking at the quoting and the way we put it together. Is that we put an engine behind it that it's a logic engine that it doesn't really matter if you're building out a proposal or how do you configure a product and put the right pricing to it.

And how do you put the right contract terms together? So all of a sudden that logic it's intertwined, it's the same kind of logic, you know, I like to say it's if then, and, or that's all the salespeople are doing in their minds were simple. People were just going through a process.And that was it that we put in to do other things and not just doing the proposal, those other aspects within the organization, of course, other capabilities around the system.

You know, obviously you're doing something you want to put some limits around that are guard rails. So a salesperson can't do anything or under certain conditions, they can do certain things. Just like you build a product. Sometimes a product can have different options, sometimes a contract and you have different options with it.

And obviously they're at a later stage. You need to have that approved by somebody. So it, all of a sudden that was more ofan aha moment. And we started looking after things were already going and the company was already running that where we could add in other capabilities aspart of that same, um, sales flow.

And then when we took it to customers and we started talking about that, it was like, well, yeah, we have three different solutions today to do that. And that would be really interesting. If one could do it, we don't have to go through different solutions. So it also. As we came as we started hearing from customers and seeing what they were doing and asking the right questions and coming back to them and checking it with them and being able to really quickly iterate and provide them solutions that they could look at.

Uh, it really got things going and that really set the stage for, you know, for where the solution is today and where we're taking it for the future.

Rosalyn SantaElena: I love that. I love the comment about the guard rails and sort of what they can do and can't do it's the most to the extent that you can build out a platform to support.

[Eyal Orgil: Like I said, we're salespeople. And, you know, if you let the sales person do anything that they want, they will do it. Sometimes you want them to have a lot of freedom, but sometimes you need to put a little bit of controls around that, but we've also built the solution in such a way that you can really set it upfor Dodgers for the different organizations, but for the different salespeoplethat are involved, different salespeople sell differently.

And you have to look at that and understand that, and then put those guardrails in place so that the salespeople need asolution. That will be designed for them to use. I think that was also reallykey. And what we did is we looked at the salespeople maybe, cause I was one of the founders and I come coming from a lot more of a sales background is like, if I'm not comfortable with the solution, then other people in my situation are not going to be comfortable with it.

And it really was important to make sure that it's a tool, a solution that the salespeople want to use. And I think that's the key to all the different software. Solutions that are out there for salespeople. If they don't use it, if they don't get the value from it, if it's not easy for them to live, you had to train a salesperson for hours.

They're going to fall asleep, you know, or put, limit too many limits on them. They're going to drop it. All those things have to be taken into it. And we leave it up to the organization. Obviously we can provide them today, a lot of best practices when we come to them, but you really have to give them the ability to let salespeople do what they want.

In a way that they want, but then put thoseguard rails in place where needed, and that's where you start to see the value.Then it's when they adopt it. When there's a high adoption, then all the rest of the value flows through, through the rest of the, uh, processes that youhave after that.

[Rosalyn Santa Elena: Yep. Yep. 100%. Um, you know, you talked a little bit about the revenue process, you know, I think for all of us, the revenue process has just become increasingly complex. Right. Especially, you know, as buyers, we're expecting a frictionless seamless experience, right? How, how have you seen sort of this evolve over the past, you know, say three to five years or event through, you know, all of the challenges of last year.

Eyal Orgil: I think if you look first of all last year for, for DealHub, we actually have. Uh, a really good year. Uh, obviously it was a, it was a terrible time of we've all gone through. So not to, you know, change thatversus saving that, but there are different about that, but it's, we had a solution that really fit the times, uh, with people working remotely, but having that ability to provide, uh, that the sales team, the sales people can do certain things on their own.

They can collaborate with the other team members, which may be remotely with their management, with the legal team, with the finance team they could collaborate with, and then they could collaborate with the customers at the same time, sort of things. We provided the ability where they can go and engage with the customers in a much better way.

So once you've done all that capability, now let's put the information in front of them in a way that they can consume it. And then also start to understand what's happening. I think what's really changed is to really. Understand the customer. And I think we're the solution, you know, on the revenue side, as you really want to start underserved, not start and you want to more and more yeah.

Understand what the, where the customer's at. And I think last year sort of jumped us ahead. A number I think most people will say in terms of the remote, working that all of a sudden, we're no longer sitting in front of the customer, we're sitting in front of a zoom session or some other means we're not able to go.

Always, not everybody turns off their turns on their camera were all tended to be iced. As I say, we're all in our pajamas, in our bedrooms, you know, if we don't want to turn on the camera, so we don't see the person we're sitting next to, or across from it, we don't see their reaction to things. So how do we start to understand where they are?

So it was really, uh, it, it came out into processes of really understanding what needs to go out to the customer. And then how do you see the engagement of the customer and the reaction and how do you go based off of that, where the world changed? All of a sudden salespeople.With a different environment.

A lot of us, uh, you know, we're selling maybe beforehand in a remote way, but not everybody. The world's really changed. It's not going to go back to what it was, even though things are great and are starting to open up. It's not going to go back to that fully. People still have to have that ability to engage remote.

Provide their customers with the right information at the right time and be okay, well, to understand them as well, gain those insights and really start to understand what they're doing. So, I mean the revenue side there really looked at that as well as is when you provide those tools for the sales people, the ability for the salespeople to go and engage with the way that the customer is now wanting to interact, but give them all that guidance that they need, give them all the insights that they need to understand what's happening as part of that remote process.

So, yeah, that was really a big change that we saw. Like I said, if you'll help was already going in that direction, it just. Uh, last year accelerated at all, but, um, it's really the way I think people are going to go anyways. We're doing a lot more things, uh, you know, remotely anyways, but it'll, it'll stay that way for awhile or maybe forever now.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. It's definitely accelerated a lot of, a lot of that. And I think taught us that you can sell remotely and people can be productive, you know, from their homes or from wherever they're working. Um, but definitely was a big, big shift. Um, let's talk a little bit more about DealHub. I know DealHub has been recognized by G2.

I saw in the top 50 for best products for sales. So congratulations as well as the top 100 for highest satisfaction. AndI was looking at G2 as, you know, really great recognition, right. Because it comes directly from the actual users. So I want to talk both about the product and the satisfaction side. So let's start with best product.

Like, what is your philosophy around product development and how has your product differentiation really helped in accelerating your revenue growth?

Eyal Orgil: Um, I think as I sort of mentioned before, one of the most important things I think we did is really look at the sales person's experience it wasn't to go and say, let's do a solution and you can think of a lot of ideas, uh, and they can be great ideas, but if they don't get used, there's absolutely no value throughout the organization.

And if you're talking about building quotes or contracts at the end, it goes back to some sort of repository or back to your CRM or somewhere where someone's looking at it. Someone's analyzing it.Now the revenue team is looking at that. That information is not going to get back or it's not going to be accurate.

It's not going to be useful. If the salesperson who starts off the process is not utilizing solution, uh, and to do that, they need to gain value out of it. Um, CRM is one of our greatest sales tools that we have. And it's also probably the most likely the most hated tool at the same time, because you know, it all obviously depends on how things are implemented, but it's never going to be to the liking of everybody.

And it's never going to be, um, you know, doing everything exactly the way that you want and operations built it to do certain things. And, you know, sales has to do certain things that they're not happy to do. You know, I always start talk about our solution as well. And I tell us our customers when we come in to do configuration.

We need to think about your best salespeople, because they've got a process that works and we can't frustrate them and they've got to work, but we've also got to think about the big complainer's on the team and everybody had, they all smiling at this point.They all know who those are. You can imagine it operations, revenue, operations, people all day long.

What are they dealing with? The salespeople, screaming at the Romanians. You're screaming at them from the other side, your management, you know, everything is never good enough. When you got those sales people always complaining, you know, how do you deal with that? You have, I have to go and address that.

And I think when we made the solution, we made it such a way that you could address those. And I think that was probably the biggest and best decision that we made is think sales first, same time while we did that, we didn't forget the other people involved. There is the sales, operations, revenue, operations people.

They have the limits that they have to put on it. They need certain, you know, whether it's guardrails that we talked about or other elements of the solution that need to be. Put in place, certain governance and all that. So obviously we took a look at that and then we also took a look at the end customer experience that we talked about.

Now, want me to go, how we go and engage with customers today as well? All three of those are. You can't do a sales solution, just looking at the salespeople, just looking at the op rev ops people, and just looking at the end customer. You have to look at all of those together. And once you put all that girl who triangle of users into a solution that works for everybody, all of a sudden you start to see the value.

And that's really where revamp has come out of is to look at all that, all those different capabilities, all the different things you need to do, but do it in such a way that it makes sense to each of those different groups of users. Um, and that was probably. You know, the best thing, that's really been the driver of the philosophy of how we put the solution together is always think about all of those players in anything that we do get at the same time.

And I think as a result of that, you have to do that is keep it safe. You can get super complex. Um, I have to say on the sales side, we're the simple side, but, uh, uh, you have to keep it, uh, simple that everybody has it. It's intuitive, it's useful. And they'll all gain the value out of it.

Rosalyn SantaElena: Yeah. A hundred percent. And I think that sort of leads into that other question around the satisfaction. Right. Having the highest satisfaction award as well, probably because you're thinking about that. Variance quite a bit. Um, what are some of the things that I guess you feel that you've done right. In terms of driving customer success, right.

If you think about, you know, how customer success has really contributed to, you know, retaining customers, especially in a year, like last year, and then also expanding revenue within your customer base, what are some of the things that you think you've done really right there?

Eyal Orgil: I think we did a really good job on the customer success side. I think. When a customer has a problem, whether it's a real problem or whether it's a big problem, hopefully not too many of those, but whatever their problem it's to them. It's, it's the end of the, not the end of the world, but it's something huge. And to have somebody there, that's going to answer them right away so that when they call customer support or customer success and somebody within minutes response to them, sometimes it's just letting them know.

Look, I heard. We understand we're working on it. They just want to hear that. And you just so many times you hear about customers that send off, you know, there's a general email, send it off to them. And maybe a few days later, you know, you'll get a response and we've had these responses from vendors that we use.

Obviously it's the most frustrating thing in the world. At least let me know that you're doing it, but also try to resolve the problem as quick as possible. And I think that's something that we've done really well. Again, it's going back to thinking of our users. And one of those users is the people putting it together or managing it.

And if there's a frustration over there dealing with it, sometimes issues come up. Every solution has that, but it's getting back to them, letting them know you, you hear them, but also responding as quick as possible and, and addressing it and letting them know what happened, being transparent with them, letting them know, understand there's people on the other side.

And we know it. We didn't just sell you solution and walked away. We're there with you. That's why our customer success people help implement the solution is why they support it. We're, we're invested in the success of our customer. We're not handing it off to somebody else to do that kind of support or maintenance or even implementation.

We do it our own. It's always customer first thinking about them and that feeds through the whole organization. It's always thinking about, uh, the customer. I think that's. Probably one of the best things that we've done, you know, starting from the beginning and thinking about that and always keeping that top of mind.

Rosalyn SantaElena: That's amazing. That's great. Thank you for sharing that. Um, let's switch gears a little bit to one of my favorite topics, which is revenue operations. As you know, I'm a huge champion. You know, both the function and the people, and I'm sure you talk to me and revenue, operations professionals every day, right?

In your business, um, being sort of one of the target personas for you. And there's definitely been an increase in interest and awareness. I think around how important operations can be. Um, areyou seeing any shifts or changes in the operation space having, you know,Working with these folks, um, and revenue leaders as well, pretty much everyday.

Um, and if so, what are, what are you seeing sort of in terms of shifts or changes?

Eyal Orgil: Um, I think we're definitely seeing a trend to people telling us that they've got a lot of tools, a lot of solutions that they're using. Um, it's a lot to maintain. Um, it's a lot of training and support that needs to go into that.

And. It's caused us a lot of bottlenecks as well, along the way, when you have different processes that are not all consolidated together into one process, and they're really looking for a way to provide salespeople, the bill, we were talking maybe earlier of putting together a proposal and putting that contract together.

They're also looking at the bottlenecks in that process. Maybe there's certain things that we can provide. The salesperson to do on their own, that doesn't have to go every time a contract term needs to change. It's the same term over and over again. Why does it have to go to legal every time? And there's a bottleneck there, especially in the quarter and quotes don't get out on time or contracts don't get closed off because they're busy with other things.

So yeah. How can you consolidate those different solutions? Provide the salespeople, the ability to do a lot of that on their own, but given the right guy. On how to do that as well, uh, so that they don't make the mistakes and it be going back. And we talked about earlier guardrails. So if they don't go and do just anything that they want, but provide them the ability to.

Go end to end in that sales process with fewer tools, more information about what's happening both internally as they're collaborating with their team members as well, given that ability within those tools, if they need to obviously legal, if you need it, you want to be able to collaborate with them.

It's not just, you know, do everything on your own, but making a very intuitive way that they can work together, um, with the organization internally. So we see that a lot, like I said earlier, too, you know, people are looking for proposals, they're looking for contracts at the same time solutions that will help them with that.

So there's a need out there and they really want to have. Things much easier, much more streamlined, but, uh, I think easier is, is really is the sort of thing, you know, we keep it simple. Like why do we have to get so complex with so many different solutions and so many different ways of doing it?

Everything is, is not. Integrated together.The one, the process in a sales process flows from one step to another. And if you're doing different solutions and different processes for each step, there's, it's not really a smooth transition. You can't really understand what's happening. Every different tool gives you its own insights and it's telling you something differently.

How can you get once or fewer solutions that will give you those insights, that information, and that guidance through that process, uh, to really help you end to end. So, you know, we do see that a lot. That's where the solution's really gone and developed to that direction is based off of what revenue operations are looking to is to give them a smoother, you know, if I could say it again, streamline, it's kind of a cliche, butt hat's really what it ends up coming out to.

They just want a process that's really smooth that goes through and get rid of the frustration. Get salespeople back to what they should be doing is selling and not being stuck in all these different tools and solutions and trying to understand them, uh, give them the method to do it the way to go and manage it and monitor it.

And that's what they, we really see that they they're looking for. Yeah.

Rosalyn SantaElena: 100% I think consolidation. Such great technology out there in the industry. There's tons of great tools to do everything, but you can only manage so much, right? And to your point about trying to keep everything in sync and streamlined is really difficult.

If you have all these different systems and just keeping all the data flowing through the process. And as a, as a revops person, myself, I'm really looking for consolidation as well. Right. If you can find one tool that can manage, you know, three or four of your use cases and be able to bridge that, you're going to pick that even if it does two or three really well, and maybe one not as well, but instead of having to bring another tool

Eyal Orgil: in, but you ended up buying a lot of times as solutions that do a whole lot of things.

And you use 20% of the power. I remember years ago, a companies we use, you know, whether it was Marquetto or others,y ou know, it doesn't matter which one it was. But you're using 20% of the power of it sort of thing. So there's great solutions, not everybody's a power user, but you need different functions that you need.

And how do you put that all together to simplify it for the salespeople? And that's, what's key. Not everything has todo everything it needs to do what the sales that sales organization needs or that specific sales process needs. And how do you put that to you?

Rosalyn SantaElena: Yeah, I love that. I love that. Um, so as I think about the revenue engine in this podcast, right?

I always hope that others will be able to learn how to accelerate revenue growth and really power that revenue engine. So from your perspective, like what are the top, maybe two or three things that you think have really contributed to the high growth that DealHub bio has experienced?

Eyal Orgil: It sounds like we've talked though.Probably a lot. I probably mentioned a lot of these things, but I think, you know, really, really thinking about customers. I think that was really key. I think providing a solution that offers the value without making it too difficult. I think one of the things youg et into is a lot of these solutions, you know, take months and months, you know, we talk to customers say, yeah, we're planning or the solution to go live in nine months.

And it's like, why aren't you thinking, youknow, two months away from now, why nine months, you know, you need a solution quickly, so they need to respond quickly. And that's also not just in buildingout a solution. It's also in changes that are leading needed later on, no organization stays still, especially today.

Everybody changes their products, their pricing, their terms, whatever. It may be, the way they put out their content marketing changes the look and feel of the company and the branding every fewmonths, every website changes every three months. So how do you keep pace with that? Organizations can't allow that anymore to have.

That takes a long time to implement. And that's one of the things that we did as well. You know, our idea from day one was also make it a configured solution. There's no coding. So you go in thereas a business person, you make the changes so that if you're changing constantly, you're constantly adapting the solution to do that.

So I think that was really key as well. So, you know, the simplicity for the salespeople, the easiness of going and setting things up. You know, the ability to go and engage the way that customers wantto engage today. Um, you know, if we go home and we watch YouTube videos, why are we still sending out a PDF document that we were sending out 30 years ago?

And there's nothing wrong with a PDF doc.Because we want to stand out today. We want to be different. Why are we not using the media that we consume all day long? You know, marketing's way ahead.They, you know, we've got videos on the website. We got all of a sudden interactive, all these great things that you can go to a website and do.

But then sometimes it's these technology companies that are sending out a proposal and they create this stuff. But then what they're sending out to the customer is a PDF document. That's really nice.You put a nice picture here on the cover page. It's not representing you. And I think every company wants to be represented as a modern com company.

So we did that as well as how do we go engage with the customers? You know, that it's really key people look at the solution, say that's where I want to be. That's where I imagine our company being. So I think those are kind of key things that we've put into the solution looking at, you know, even from day one, where is it going to go?

What are people looking to do? And that we constantly add to that capability is to think about all these things. Um, and I think that's. All of those things together have really contributed to people learning about DealHub and, and wanting to use. Do you have in gaining value from DealHub, um, you know, through those capabilities?

That's amazing. Thank

Rosalyn SantaElena: you. Um, is there anything, um, that you wish you knew earlier, or maybe you would do differently if you can sort of hit the reset button and do it all over again?

Eyal Orgil: Um, I'd probably say, I wish I knew it was going to be this hard sometimes. Wow. I don't think it's anything that anybody can ever warn you about.

And if there's people out there that had it easy, when they put a company together, you know, hats off to you, I think it's a lot of work. Um, it's a lot of hours in the office. It's a lot of personal commitment and, uh, you know, you pay a price on, on certain things. But, um, I wish I would've known that. I don't know if I could've changed it.

I don't know if it would've changed my mind or maybe it would about it. It's hard to say. I know what I know today. I didn't know it back then. Um, but that would have been great if I'd known i twas going to be a rough ride, just to prepare for maybe a little bit, you'll tighten the seatbelt a little bit more, but it's, it's been a great ride.

It's it's uh, so from that aspect, I can't complain, but it, uh, Yeah, I guess that was probably me what I thought that was BA

Rosalyn SantaElena: yeah. Is that, would that be, um, if I asked you sort of what that one piece of advice that you would give to another CRO or founder, you know, sort of that one thing that makes all the difference, would it be that, or would it be something else?

Eyal Orgil: I think it's probably having the right people around you. Um, as you go through that process, you're, you're spending a lot of hours with people. Um, you're doing a lot of hard work and you've got to have the right people. And, um, I think we were really lucky. We pick the right people, um, early on and that stuck through through good times.

And unfortunately, sometimes you have bad times or downtime. They're going to say bad times, but there are down times, there's tougher times and all that. And you want the right people around you, um, to deal with the customer issues or to deal with the product issues or to deal with the sales issues. And it's just, um, You know, I'm thankful that we have the right people around.

I think that's been so much, you know, there's still that core team of people. Obviously we bring on new people and you know, that's also key, obviously, a constantly, you're always looking at bringing the right people, but early on, I think having the right people that's really helped, um, get us through.

That's the best advice I can think of at least to, because it is going to be a ride and you need to, and you want to work with those people. You know, you're spending a lot of hours with them and we've had some, you know, there's heated exchanges and all that, but it's all because people are working. You know, for the right reason you want it for the right reason, it's all for the best, you know what?

Everybody has different opinions in the end, we'll come up with the right thing to do, but it was, um, it's been great just having the right people from the partners to the, to the workers that we have, uh, to the key people. It's that's that's key. Got it.

Rosalyn SantaElena: That's great. Um, so thank you so much for joining me.

Um, I'm you know, but before we. Before we wrap up and before I let you go, I always love to ask two things of all of the guests on the podcast is one. What is the one thing about you that others would be surprised to learn and to what is the one thing that you would want every one to know about you?

Eyal Orgil: I want everybody to know him, a nice guy, I guess

what they don't know about me. I almost didn't go into this career at all. I was going to be a pilot, be in the aviation space and then, uh, Didn't, you know, it didn't go in that direction and went to a different direction. So that was my dream early on. And I'm not ,you know, still do some things with that, but it was something that I had not planned to go in this direction to be sales.

You know, I studied engineering, went to be a pilot and all of a sudden I'm a salesperson. So that was something different.Um, yeah, I guess, uh, to know about me is just, uh, you don't always, I try to be honest, try to give the best that we can to the customers. I think. We're real people. And we work together with other real people.

And I think that's really important, always in the, you know, never to forget that it's, you know, other people have their issues. You have to understand that are there concerns and that's being part of it. So that's a. You know, important to know that we care about the other side as well. It's not just here to do business and build a company.

You want to make sure that everybody's happy.

Rosalyn SantaElena: That's awesome. I love that. Thank you so much. So thank you so much for joining me. It's been such a pleasure to talk to you and I'm just so incredibly grateful for your time and sharing your story.

Eyal Orgil: All right. I really appreciate it as well. Thank you so much.

Thank you.


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